Pets Pride Catlight 1: Pip

We regularly put a cat in the spotlight. We ask about the best facts and habits, and we get surprising answers! This week it's Pip's turn.
Where was Pip born?
Pip was born on a farm in Kerk-Avezaath. After a few weeks, her brothers and sisters were already out exploring, but she remained safely hidden in the nest. She thought it was exciting out there. We thought we had a quiet kitten, but she thawed out in no time. Now she wants nothing more than to go outside and she is anything but afraid!
How did Pip get her name?
To be honest, we didn't have much inspiration ourselves. Then someone said to us: 'I really think she's a Pip' and we actually thought so too!
Does Pip have a unique habit or quirk?
Pip is the kind of cat that really wants to go in and out 100 times a day. We don't have a cat flap in our new house, so we have to open the door dozens of times a day. But it's so bad that neighbors regularly knock on our door to say that Pip really wants to come inside. Even though she was just let out 5 minutes ago.....
Has Pip ever caught or brought home anything unusual?
Pip has already brought everything home, but we were especially surprised when she arrived with a very large mole.
Has Pip learned a certain trick to get her way?
She never actually gets anything from the refrigerator, but when someone else comes over for some petting (for example when we are on vacation), she suddenly stands by the refrigerator, meowing loudly, as if she always gets something from there. And yes, sometimes she gets her way (a piece of cheese or cold cuts).
Have you noticed a difference since Pip has an automatic feeder?
When she was still fed twice a day, she was always so restless when we went to get food for her. As if she hadn't eaten for days and that's how it was gobbled down. Since the automatic feeder has been introduced, there has been so much more peace. She eats a small portion several times a day and goes on another adventure. No longer obsessed with food. A kitten that is simply much more relaxed!
Do you also enjoy answering these questions about your cat? Send them to us via email or WhatsApp with a photo and we will post your story!