Pets Pride blog

How to Deal with Cat Stress: 7 Tips for a Happier Cat!

Hoe om te gaan met stress bij katten: 7 tips voor een gelukkigere kat!

Our cats are sensitive creatures and can quickly experience stress. For example, due to changes, health problems or tensions in their environment. To ensure that your cat is completely happy, it is wise to reduce stress factors as much as possible or even avoid them. In this blog we discuss 7 practical tips to tackle this!

  1. Create a safe environment

You've probably heard the saying 'a cornered cat makes strange jumps'. Cats (logically) like an environment where they feel safe . They like to have places where they can retreat. This is especially true for households with multiple animals and/or children . They also feel comfortable in higher places , because they then have a good overview of the space. So make sure your cat never feels 'cornered' 😊

  1. Stimulate your cat

Positively stimulating a cat ensures that stress is reduced. You can challenge a cat mentally and physically with games. Provide enough toys and scratching posts. In addition, regularly make time to play with your cat. Lick mats with wet food can also have a calming effect on stressed cats. In this way you can reassure your cat in a fun way!

  1. Maintain predictability

Cats thrive on routine and predictability. Therefore, try to maintain a regular schedule for feeding, playing and resting. An automatic feeder is an ideal tool to ensure that feedings are always at the same time. This gives your cat a lot of peace ! Also, avoid major changes as much as possible, because this can cause stress. Of course, you cannot prevent some changes, such as moving. Try to support your cat as best you can. Provide places to retreat and tasty snacks.

  1. Take care of good health

Stress can be exacerbated by health problems . Make sure your cat is regularly checked by a veterinarian so that any medical issues are treated. A healthy cat is a happy cat! Health problems can also be caused by dehydration . A drinking fountain can help with this. Moving water can trigger a cat to drink more.

  1. Use pheromones

Cats communicate in different ways. A unique method of communication is through pheromones . Pheromones are natural scents that influence the behavior and emotions of cats. Cats can release these pheromones through glands. One of the most important pheromones are the 'head' pheromones. These are released through glands in the face when giving headbutts . In this way, a cat marks something as safe and familiar . This same pheromone is also available as a synthetic variant in, for example, sprays, diffusers and collars. If your cat's behavior is disturbed by, for example, stress, fear or conflict, such a synthetic pheromone can help. Your cat will then feel safer and more at ease!

  1. Consider supplements

In some cases, the use of calming supplements can help. These supplements often contain natural ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids. In this way, the overall health of your cat is promoted, which in turn leads to calmer behavior. When in doubt, always consult an expert!

  1. Consult a behavioral therapist

Have you tried everything and does your cat continue to have stress and anxiety? Consider hiring a cat behavior therapist . Such a cat therapist can help identify the specific stressors of your cat. This way you get a customized plan of action for your cat! Hopefully your cat will be completely happy again soon 😊

Cats can quickly experience stress. By applying the above tips, you can ensure that your cat is happy and stress-free again. However, tackling this requires patience, understanding and dedication. Take your time, but if you see no change at all, it is advisable to take a therapist into your hands. However, the above tips are recommended for all cats!