Pets Pride blog

7 things your cat should not eat!

7 dingen die je kat níet mag eten!

Cats are curious creatures with a mind of their own. Sometimes, their curiosity leads them to the food on your plate. However, many cat owners are unaware that some foods can be dangerous to our furry friends. So, what should you absolutely avoid to keep your cat healthy?

  • Chocolate: Not for the faint of heart

While chocolate is a delicious treat for us, it is a no-go for cats. Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine, which are toxic to cats. Even a small piece can cause heart problems , shaking and in severe cases it can even be fatal. So if you enjoy chocolate, make sure your cat can’t get his paws on it. Keep that tasty bar safely tucked away in a kitchen cupboard!

  • Onion and Garlic: Fragrant Enemies

Onions and garlic are fantastic flavor enhancers in the kitchen, but they’re dangerous for cats . These vegetables can damage your cat’s red blood cells, which can lead to anemia . This goes for raw, cooked, and even dried forms. So if you’re a fan of garlic bread , make sure your cat doesn’t get to enjoy the crumbs.

  • Milk and dairy: Love does not go through the stomach

The image of a cat drinking milk is classic, but unfortunately, milk and dairy products can cause stomach problems . Many cats are lactose intolerant , meaning they cannot digest lactose. This can lead to diarrhea and stomach pain. So if you want to give your cat a treat, opt for special cat treats instead of a saucer of milk.

  • Raw egg, meat and fish: No sushi for the cat

Although cats are carnivores, raw eggs, meat and fish can be harmful. Raw egg contains avidin, an enzyme that prevents the absorption of biotin, which can lead to skin and coat problems . Raw meat and fish can contain bacteria such as Salmonella or E. coli, which can cause serious illness . So if you are a fan of sushi or a juicy steak, do not share it with your cat.

  • Grapes and Raisins: Small Fruits, Big Dangers

Grapes and raisins may seem harmless, but they can cause kidney failure in cats. Even a small amount can lead to serious health problems . So if you want a healthy snack, save those grapes for yourself and give your cat a cat treat.

  • Alcohol: No party for the pussy

This may seem obvious, but it’s worth mentioning: alcohol is extremely dangerous for cats. Even a small amount can lead to poisoning, disorientation, or worse in severe cases. So save the wine and cocktails for the human guests and make sure your cat doesn’t have access to alcoholic beverages.

  • Caffeine: Be careful with your coffee

Coffee, tea, and energy drinks are great for getting us going, but they contain caffeine, which is toxic to cats. Symptoms of caffeine poisoning include restlessness, rapid breathing, heart palpitations, and muscle tremors. So keep your coffee mug out of reach of curious cat paws.


It is important to be aware of what your cat can and cannot eat. A curious cat may eat something that can make him or her sick. Make sure to keep harmful foods out of reach and offer your cat food that is specially formulated for cats. If you are ever in doubt about what is safe for your cat to eat, always consult an expert or veterinarian. This way you can feel confident about leaving your food scraps on your kitchen counter!