Pets Pride Catlight 6: Boris

We regularly put a cat in the 'catlight'. We ask for the nicest facts and habits, and surprising answers come out! This week it's Boris' turn.
Where was Boris born?
On a farm near Engelen, where his brother was also born (March 2013). As you can see in the picture, they like to be together!
How did Boris get his name?
We were looking for a name that starts with 'Bo…', because we like the sound of his brother Boef. Why it became Boris, we don't know anymore!
Does Boris have a unique habit or quirk?
Boris has always been a bit of a shy cat, but at the same time he secretly loves to be cuddled.
Has Boris ever caught or brought home anything unusual?
Mainly mice, but last year it also helped us combat the moles in our garden (3 of them!).
Has Boris learned a certain trick to get his way?
Boris is a very patient cat, but if there is something to eat, he is first in line. It is not a trick, but he has learned that the law of the strongest will yield him the most.
Have you noticed a difference since Boris got an automatic feeder?
Boris eats more regularly and yet more calmly. When he hears the vending machine go off, he sprints to that thing!
Do you also like to answer these questions about your cat? Send them to us via email or whatsapp with a photo and we will post your story!