Pets Pride blog

Pets Pride Catlight 3: Finn

Pets Pride Catlight 3: Finn

We regularly put a cat in the spotlight. We ask about the best facts and habits, and we get surprising answers! This week it's Finn's turn. Babette talks enthusiastically about her big cuddly cat:

Where was Finn born?

Finn was born 3 years ago in Alphen aan den Rijn, and now he has moved to Brabant.

How did Finn get his name?

I like to give names to animals and people. That's what my parents' cats were called Joep and Joris. Finn was almost called Bob because I thought Bob and Babette sounded nice. Until someone arrived with Finn, I was immediately sold!

Does Finn have a unique habit or quirk?

Yes! Finn can kind of talk. When he meows, you hear 'HALLLLOOOOOWWWW'. People often don't believe this until I show videos. The best part is when people are at our house. Then they are always completely impressed when Finn does that.

Has Finn ever caught or brought home anything unusual?

No Fortunately not. Finn is an indoor cat. But in the house Finn comes to me with plenty. For example, the scouring pad was really not safe at the beginning. And his sweets have to be locked up, because if he gets ahold of them, he'll just rip open the bag and eat it all!

Has Finn learned a certain trick to get his way?

If Finn has his way, he will pull out all the stops. Especially looking cute (and he's very good at that). Or he will come to you meowing and give you cups. Then try to resist him...

Have you noticed a difference since Finn has an automatic feeder?

Absolute! Previously, when we put kibble down twice a day, he almost pushed the bowl out of your hands to immediately empty everything! Now he gets a little food 6 times a day, and that is going very well. We use the speaking function on the food bowl, so when he hears his name, he immediately sprints and starts eating the kibble!

Do you also enjoy answering these questions about your cat? Send them to us via email or WhatsApp with a photo and we will post your story!