Pets Pride blog

Is my cat too heavy?

Is mijn kat te zwaar?

Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for your cat’s overall health. But how do you know if your furry friend is overweight? And what can you do about it? In this article, we’ll look at how to tell if your cat is overweight and how an automatic cat feeder can help them maintain a healthy weight.

How do you determine if your cat is overweight?

First, you can feel the ribs and waist . The ribs should not be clearly visible, but they should be easy to feel. In addition, your cat should have a clear waist . If in doubt, it is wise to consult a veterinarian. They will make an expert assessment of the weight and health of your cat.

Why is a healthy weight important for cats?

Of course it is logical that you want a healthy cat. Healthy cats have an improved and longer quality of life and lifespan . Being overweight can cause health problems such as diabetes, joint problems and heart disease. You want to prevent all of that!

How can an automatic feeder help?

- An automatic feeder provides portion control . You know exactly how much and when it is given, which prevents overfeeding.

- Feeding smaller portions more often is much closer to the natural eating pattern of cats. This way everything can be digested well .

- Regular meal plans provide consistency in meal times and this promotes healthy eating habits .

- Some cats overeat due to stress when the owner is absent or when there is a big change. An automatic feeder prevents a cat from overeating at such times.

Tips for using an automatic feeder

- Choose a machine that suits your cat's needs, such as the type of food and the size of the portions, but also the needs of the owner. For example, you can choose a feeder with a mobile application and a camera to always watch, or you can talk to your cat to reassure him (like with this feeder ).

- Introduce the feeder slowly to get your cat used to it. But once they know food comes out, most cats will quickly love it!

- If you have two cats, you can also opt for a duo feeder (such as this feeder ).

- Continue to monitor your cat's body condition and adjust the feeding schedule and food portions if necessary.

Other strategies for weight management in cats

Besides a feeder, there are other things to keep an eye on. Your cat also needs enough exercise . Some cats need some stimulation for this, such as interactive toys and play sessions.

If you think your cat is (severely) overweight, it may also be advisable to consult a vet. The vet can assess your cat and prescribe diet food if necessary.

A healthy weight is important for your cat. It has a direct impact on his or her health and well-being. Through sufficient exercise and the use of a automatic feeder can help keep your cat at a healthy weight. If you are concerned about your cat's weight: Always consult a veterinarian or other expert. They can give you further advice so that your cat can live a long and happy life!